When I decided to make this blog, I really wasn't sure what I wanted it to be about. I mostly think I wanted it to be about pop culture and how it impacts motherhood, society and children of all ages.
To an extent, I still feel the desire to write about these things.
Now I realize that I really wanted a place to write down my thoughts. Some people would get a journal. I want to be public. One of my purposes in life is to entertain, to engage and to inspire. My whole life I've always been fearless when it comes to my work; and especially when it comes to my music. My husband and I are both songwriters and after the children are in bed, we go down to the studio and write music.
In 2006, my husband and I began developing music and me as an artist. At that time, I had a one year old and a two year old. I was not in shape. I wasn't even in any shape at all in fact! I had put on fifty pounds. I started to work out, diet and ALL of the weight came off. I found a choreographer, interns, a band and even got a prominent music manager. I did this while also keeping a household, going to play dates and Gymboree classes.
Here was this suburban mom with her suburban friends coming to her shows at some not so 'mommy friendly' places. It was a movement. I didn't know it at the time because I was driven by my passion. It was saying a mother can still follow her dreams. She doesn't have to forget who she is.
My husband and I wrote songs that were relatable to what we were feeling. Impeccably produced by my husband Marcus who also worked with New Kids on The Block, our music was described as rocket fuel and explosive. Like 80's music with modern spin, it was electronic, rock, and theater camp. Songs like Wheel of Life outlined how we needed to live for today and not feel bad for ourselves-to just go for what you believe in and follow your dreams.
Monotony is a song about feeling trapped in your life. You ask yourself why you're living this life? My husband and I had so much fun making this music. One of our songs 'Too Much Funn' garnered the most interest and even got featured on Kiss 108.
On stage performing this music, I am space camp, pop queen who had outrageous costumes and a larger than life persona. The show was part Rocky Horror Picture show, part Metropolis but a low budget version!
After some excellent press reviews, I found myself going from small venues to opening for successful artists such as Kat Deluna, Leona Lewis, Maroon 5 and many more.
The music world, especially the pop world is a small one. Sometimes another artist can get inspired by your work. Well, an artist, a popular one did get inspired. Not only did she get 'inspired' by our lyrics but by our sound, show, my persona, my backstory/bio, my press clippings and our marketing. Unfortunately this person was signed by a major and going after that is kind of like a mouse vs. a lion. After all, a signed artist has more talent than an unsigned one, right? Even if that is not true, it's sort of like the rule in this business. Besides this, we don't agree artistically with what this artist has done with our ideas and would never want to be compared with this person.
I got down about it because we poured so much energy into it--not to mention all of the awesome and talented people who worked on the project. I gained weight as a result of letting myself get down and lost passion for something I've always loved.
So, my husband and I started over. We are writing music from the heart. Just like in the Johnny Cash movie, we asked ourselves 'if we were to die tomorrow, what music would we be making?' We have created a whole new sound and we're singing together. :)
As one of my favorite motivational speakers, Dale Carnegie once said "Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.
So, we are both working out and getting into shape, eating healthy and it's been a great influence on our girls who see their mom and dad not only doing something they love but working together for it. As parents, it's so important to make time for ourselves so that we have more to give to our children. Dreams don't have to stop being followed.
We are working on a new music video that will be released early winter and hopefully in time for the holidays. More details coming soon!
Pop is best served up as a side dish to life.
Wow, Christine, I had no idea how amazing you are. That's so inneresting.
OK, so who was the famous artist??
keep us updated. I loved your last music so I'm sure your new stuff will be even better. Are you writing about your kids, married life? Exciting!
Did your girls ever get to meet the famous people? They must love it when they listen to the music their mom and dad makes!
You're beautiful Honey... <3
thanks everyone, sorry I'm just getting back now--was running around today. You know the deal. :) My kiddos were really babies and so wouldn't have an idea about 'famous' but they are proud to tell people that their mommy and daddy make music. I will definitely post info sooooon with updates. We're working on the video and it's going to be so creative and also different than our other work.
Will you have the same look or different. just curious. You look beautiful here but interested to see what you will be doing?
You're an inspiration.
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