Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OMG! It's Summer!!!

So, I am both excited to spend the next 60+ days with the girls but just as petrified as well!

What do we do with the little ones? Well, part of my fabulous plan is to do a re-org of everything that has to do with my children. I'm going to find a better system for their school papers, I'm going to purge lots of their toys, and I'm going to find a better system for their crafts.

I have more cute and easy ideas about making fun projects that they can do sans mommy intervention. I'll share as I complete them. ;)

Well, I'm off to go and clean out the car and put in our summer essentials bag in the trunk: Sunscreen, bathing suits, change of clothing, towels, and a Neat Sheet. :)

Good luck ramping up for your summer!!

pop is best served up as a side dish to life.

beautiful image:, by Ron Niebrugge

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