Monday, August 30, 2010

Heidi Klum Emmy's-Do You Compare Yourself?

Heidi Klum Little Black Dress: Getty Images

So, since January of 2010, I have lost 17 pounds. I feel so much better, physically and I'm much more confident. And then, I find photos like this one of Heidi Klum at the 2010 Emmy Awards Red Carpet. These photos are ones I am constantly looking at because I love fashion and I'm addicted to looking at cute dresses and dreaming of the day when I'm going to wear them again.

So this dress brings me to two questions. 1) You will note that it is several inches above the knee. Is this OK after thirty? I once watched a show saying that women above thirty should not go more than two inches above knee for dresses and skirts. 2) Is it an unrealistic goal to say that I will rock this dress like Heidi. Probably. Yes. Most Definitely.

So, my question is, why do I have such an obsession with looking at these gorgeous, tall women with designer dresses and say, 'Someday I will look like that.' Someday may never happen. How about I aspire to look like my best me. We have these award shows for celebrities, actresses and actors and none for all of the fabulous people who really make the world go round: Teachers, Doctors, Social Workers and do gooders from around the world. Why do we put people that are getting paid so well up on a pedestal for doing a job they love? 

I see a huge inequity in all of this. I wish that I would just let it all go, focus on my music and live in the joy of that. Why do I feel the need to think 'I have to look better than the average person for people to love me?' This is so unhealthy and I know it.

Do you ever feel like this ladies? Spill it. Be honest. You can be anonymous. :)

Pop is best served up as a side dish to life.
Christine Sebastian


Anonymous said...

I am guilty of the same thing. It's kind of ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

If I had legs like Heidi's, I would wear short skirts everyday. It doesn't matter what your age is with mini skirts-it's if you can pull it off! Flaunt it!

Anonymous said...

It's really not that important to look like celebrities. I didn't even turn on the Emmy's last night. Could care less!

Anonymous said...

I used to be guilty of this. Then I stopped watching the emmys, oscars, etc. It's hard to not compare yourself to these celebrities who have babies one week and are jumping around in bikini's the next week. But they have PEOPLE. Chefs, trainers, hair and makeup people, stylists, and average people don't. So, f them. I stopped looking at them, and I feel better for it!

Anonymous said...

I think we were all guilty of this kind of thinking at some point in time. For me, age made me more reasonable. Now I really would like to be fit enough to keep up with my kids and to have more toned muscles, because that is what makes me feel good about myself. And honestly, if I could have a flatter belly it would be nice but I am not willing to go the distance for that one. I like good food too much! Congrats on the weight loss by the way!

Mom and The Pop Life said...
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Mom and The Pop Life said...

I agree! I think we should focus on being fit and feeling great is the key. As stated by @anonymous, they have people!

@post just above mine, Thank you for the congrats! I'm excited and I can honestly say I've done it the healthy way by making better choices over a period of time. :) It feels good when you know you're making better lifestyle choices. I also noticed that it changes the way you pack your kids lunches too. :)

Anonymous said...

I could care less about celebrities and what they look like, or what they wear. Not practical. Most of the things they wear are not for "real life" women anyway. Who is going to wear anything like that to work? Most women don't pile on the makeup like they do either! We don't have to because we are not in front of lights or cameras. Take off all their makeup and they look a lot different. As for their bodies, they work out for hours each day. Maybe they have that kind of time with all their "people" like someone else said. But do real women have that kind of time? NO. So why waste time obsessing? Take away all their money for a few months, and they would look just like any other woman. It's kind of shallow and sad,really.

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