Saturday, June 5, 2010

What is up with Twits on Twitter? Perez, are you listening?

Ladies, it has come to my attention that some people who are not even Z listers, are calling out celebrities on twitter. They tweet about them and give their opinions, attack and give opinions.

Come on! This is not any different than cyber bullying. Perez Hilton is at the helm of this wonderful new trend that all of the kiddies are following. Some of these Z listers are clearly trying to ride the coat tails of the more successful celebrities such as Skye Ferriera tweeting against Katy Perry. Katy Perry in turn took her bait and tweeted back. This is very high school young ladies. Perhaps it's time to grow up now?

In addition, does Perez Hilton make money. Yes, YES he does! You, Skye Ferriera on the other hand will not. Therefore, stick to making music and acting more like a young lady instead of one of the girls in the Mean Girls movie. Katy, you are better than this.

That goes for all you other young ladies out there too-stop tweeing against other girls. Do some soul searching. Look up Maya Angelou and tweet one of her quotes, tweet about your homework, anything. It just seems like a nasty way to spend idle time.

You have officially been reprimanded by the Mom and the Pop Life.

Live life with Pop as a side dish, taken in small doses for fun!
Love Mom

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