Thursday, September 2, 2010

Six Skinny Foods: Exercise and Dieting Gap

We have all had this happen and said to ourselves: 'I'm working out and I've gained two pounds. How is this possible?' It is so discouraging when you get on the scale to see all your hard work hasn't paid off.

According to MSN Health, you are still gaining benefits even if you are not seeing it on the scale yet. You are gaining LEAN muscle mass-much better than dimply hangovers.

Remember, look at how long it took you to gain your weight and realize that you'll lose it over time-and usually in a shorter time than you took to gain it! This is more than fair!
lso, Joy Bauer, nutritionist for the Today Show released a book this year called 'Your Inner Skinny'. She offers up free advice in the video below on CBN about delicious and healthy ways to use super foods, skinny foods to jumpstart your metabolism and curb your appetite.

'Pop is best served up as a side dish to life.'
Christine Sebastian


Anonymous said...

so that's why! Thanks for clarifying. Now I don't feel so bad. I have not been eating what I should!

Anonymous said...

Those foods actually look yummy...except the hot sauce, I'm not a spicy fan, maybe I'll try it!

Anonymous said...

I tried this book and didn't have much success. I didn't follow it faithfully though. I guess that's the secret.

Anonymous said...

Joy Bauer is awesome. :) loves her

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